# With innovative strategies and a passion

Transform Your Vision

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I’m Nazar E Zilani

Nazar E Zilani is an author, trainer, and business consultant with 33 years of diverse professional experience. Throughout my career, I have worked at Pfizer Labs, Aristopharma, and Medicon Laboratories, advancing to leadership roles at Runner Motors and Akij Food and Beverage. Today, I am a Holistic Trainer driven by my passion for education, corporate development, and Islamic knowledge. I continually help individuals and organizations grow and succeed.

Looking for a business consultation or any help?


Get mental preparation to lose some battle to win the war.

- Sharif Abdul Razzaque

Expertise area

As an exception businessman, I am unique in the world. There are some niches in which I am an expert. The following is a list of some of my areas of expertise.


SME Products

SME stands for small and medium-sized enterprises. These are businesses with investment, turnover, and workforce below a certain threshold. In India, SMEs comprise both manufacturing and service enterprises.



Decode and Encode


Client's thoughts of me

“Entrepreneurship is a way of life, a revolutionary way of enhancing your manner of critical thinking. To me, it means the future. To be an entrepreneur, you have control over your own life, as well as everything in and around you. It is the ticket to economic, financial and personal freedom."

Kamruzzaman Sumon
Kamruzzaman Sumon

Business Catalyst

“Executive to Executive Director - is more than just a career guide; it is an inspirational toolkit for achieving long-term success and fulfillment in leadership. Nazar E Zilani’s insights are particularly relevant for those looking to overcome competitive industry challenges, adding a unique voice to the career development field. "Executive to Executive Director" is a well-crafted, strategic guide for professionals aiming to scale the corporate ladder and achieve top-tier leadership positions."

Jakariea Chowdhury
Jakariea Chowdhury


“Nazar E Zilani's Professional Excellence Training program is highly regarded for its depth, relevance, and transformative impact on participants. Known for his unique approach, Zilani brings over three decades of corporate experience, making his training sessions highly practical and insightful for professionals across various industries. The training emphasizes a holistic blend of essential skills, from strategic thinking and effective communication to emotional intelligence and ethical decision-making."

Business solution

The Businesses I Manage

Typical measures of business success include the growth of your company, the money it provides you or your ability to keep control of the business for yourself or your children. There's no one standard because entrepreneurs don't all enter business for the same reason.


Digital Agency

CEO at Getup Limited


E-commerce Business



What I've achieved


Innovated a Time Management System
Innovated a Time Management System

Innovated a Time Management System

October 12, 2024

Developed a revolutionary time management system that allowed the team to complete a year’s worth of work in just six months, increasing productivity by 200%.

Skill Development

Soft Skills


Time Management




Positive Mental Attitude

Holistic Mindset

Religious Thought


গীবত একটি জঘন্য গুনাহ


আল্লাহ কতভাবে বান্দার তাওবা কবুল করেন


রিজিকের মালিক একমাত্র আল্লাহ


ইসলামে দ্রব্যমূল্য বৃদ্ধিতে হুঁশিয়ারি


Photography and Videos


News and Blogs

পয়সা, পজিশন ও পসার : স্বামী, সন্তান ও সংসার
December 31, 2024

পয়সা, পজিশন ও পসার : স্বামী, সন্তান ও সংসার

তুমি ব্যতিক্রমী কিছু করার জন্য আজই লেগে পড়ো , প্রমোশন আর পয়সা তোমার পিছে লেগে পড়বে।

আমরা নফসের লালসার কাছে পরাভূত জলন্ত জাহান্নামে
December 31, 2024

আমরা নফসের লালসার কাছে পরাভূত জলন্ত জাহান্নামে

ভোগ, লোভ আর লালসার লাভা এমন ভাবে থাবা বসিয়েছে যে এর ফাঁদে পড়ে সুখ, শান্তি, নিদ্রাহারা হয়ে গেছি আমরা অনেকে।

সাদাকা বালা মুসিবত থেকে রক্ষা করে
December 31, 2024

সাদাকা বালা মুসিবত থেকে রক্ষা করে

অভাব-অনটন-দুঃখ-দুর্দশায় সবর করা বা ধৈর্য ধরা 'দুঃসময়ের হক' আদায় করা। এই হক আদায় পারলৌকিক জীবনের সঞ্চয় হিসেবে কল্যাণ বয়ে আনবে।

Let’s talk

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me for a business consultation or other services.

Office location

# Swarnalata, Road#6/1, Kazi Nazrul Islam Road, Block F, Lalmatia, Dhaka

#View on Google Map